Scavenger Hunt, season IV

Welcome to Scavenger Hunt, season IV!

This is the first time I bring this experience to you in English, so there will be some flaws. Please give me feedbacks by sending me emails to Thank you!

Nếu bạn không có chút kiến thức về tiếng Anh, thì tôi e ngại là sẽ rất khó để bạn tham gia, nhưng bạn có thể thử, biết đâu đấy bạn sẽ vượt qua?

6 months ago, I tried this idea - making weird puzzles for you to solve, asking trivia questions, writing cryptic messages, and many of you seem to love it. When our friends at the English Club of Foreign Language Faculty, Tay Nguyen University saw these “scavenger hunts”, they liked the idea too. So today, I would like to introduce to you Scavenger Hunt, season IV, in partnership with the English Club of Foreign Language Faculty, Tay Nguyen University. With new challenges, more prizes and more surprises on the way, I hope you’ll like it too.

Ready? Good. Let’s read the Contest Rules before playing! (This content is available in Vietnamese only)

Contest Rules